
Picture of Warren Buffett

“Joe is passionate about football, coaching and especially his athletes, both on and off the field. He has had a successful career as head coach at Coastal Carolina, but more than that he truly wants his players to succeed in life. I don’t think you could find a better coach and mentor. He did an extraordinary job leading TD Ameritrade as CEO and chairman and has reached unparalleled success in both careers.”

Warren Buffett Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
Picture of Suze Orman

“Joe is Innovative, Motivational, Original, and Dynamic and one of the most effective and caring CEOs I have ever dealt with. Joe had the foresight to offer anyone who contributed $50 per month for 12 months a $100 bonus. TD Ameritrade opened 150,000 new accounts in just a few months. Now that’s what I call a true financial touchdown! Everyone was a winner. Joe is someone who I would want to lead any team I'd be lucky enough to be a part of.”

Suze Orman Suze Orman, Personal Finance Expert
Picture of Roger Staubach

“It is unlikely that any other candidate has ever been as remarkably successful in two unrelated fields of endeavor – football and finance – as Joe has been.”

Roger Staubach Former NFL Quarterback and Super Bowl Champion
Picture of Maria Bartiromo

“Knowing how to make money and hold onto your money has never been easy. Joe’s strategies are clear, accessible, performance based and he takes the mystery out of investing.”

Maria Bartiromo FOX Business Network Television Journalist
Picture of Jason Garrett

“I recently invited Joe to spend a few days at our pre-season training camp to share his wisdom about leadership, and how to build a team … I was so impressed during our visits, I asked him to talk to our entire staff and share his story and his principles of leadership. This is not something we do often, but his message made a huge impact on our team. There is no one who exemplifies the principles of leadership and excellence any better than Joe Moglia.”

Jason Garrett Former Dallas Cowboys Head Coach
Picture of Sam Waterston

“A realist, an optimist, with a sense of humor and a taste for the irony in things, a way of leading that’s part teacher, part coach, and an adventurous attitude toward life’s possibilities…”

Sam Waterston

“Joe is a man that I have admired for living a life most can only dream of. He is a proven long-term success story in the business world providing leadership, deal-making and his amazing ability to connect to people with his winning attitude and desire to be the best. But that’s just one facet of the man, Joe is also a very successful sought-after speaker, author and an incredible College Head Football Coach.”

Jamie King The SPORTS KING Radio Syndicated nationally on CBS FM

“Coach Joe Moglia dared to chase his dreams, and his inspiring true story is both gripping and unforgettable.”

Jim Nantz CBS Sports

“Joe Moglia is an extraordinary leader, mentor, friend, and thought leader. I have had the privilege to work with and see Joe in action as a leader on Wall Street, on the football field, and in the locker room. His tireless work ethic, commitment, vision, winning attitude, and desire to better the world, and the people around him is second to none. He has influenced, mentored, and changed countless lives -including mine. Joe Moglia is a diamond in the rough. An hour with Joe will change your life!”

Alexis Glick CEO Nature Energy North America, TV Personality, Board Member & Purpose-Driven Leader

“Joe Moglia will blow you away, Both raw and remarkable, he weaves his experience in life, business and football together in a way that gives everyone in the audience immediate tools to be more effective leaders, coaches and parents. A year after first seeing him speak, his message still sticks with me every day at work and at home.”

Collegiate Sports Summit

“I don’t think we’ve ever had a speaker that captured the audience’s attention and moved them the way Joe did.”

Wells Fargo

“Joe made a lasting impression on our cadets; he’s a superb role model and one of the most frank, moving and inspirational speakers we’ve ever had at the Coast Guard Academy...”

Vice Admiral : Sandra Leigh Stosz US Coast Guard Academy

“Joe Moglia is an incredibly gifted person with an even more incredible life story. He did a great job speaking to our Senior Leadership Group team very directly with a clear concise message. I was very impressed that he took the time to research our industry and address very specific issues with examples from within our company and his personal life. His ability to motivate and lead a team are well documented; however, his ability to connect with a room that he had never met before was pretty special. He had our team on the edge of their chairs during his presentation and ready to take the field when he finished.”

Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC

“Joe, you are a gifted storyteller, keeping the group interested throughout your presentation. …You handled some dicey topics with ease …Hearing your stories gave people hope about closing one chapter and starting a next. You have reinvented yourself very successfully multiple times…Your success perhaps reminded people that there could be many diamonds in the rough and we should not give up on a community.

I have been to many Business Ethics Alliance meetings, and I don’t ever remember there being a standing ovation. Well done!”

Habitat for Humanity

“Coach Moglia's lessons on leadership are now part of our educational curriculum for the University of Pennsylvania Orthopedic Leadership Academy, a program jointly conceived by our department and the McNulty Leadership Program at Wharton.

His lessons on accountability, integrity and respect for others have inspired our residents in Orthopedic Surgery to lead in the operating room, clinic and home. He is the embodiment of GRIT and his personal story demonstrates the power of perseverance and passion.”

John D. Kelly IV, MD Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery at Penn Perelman School of Medicine

“Thank you so much Joe. You are a gift to the kids of SAY, and to the entire SAY family. We feel very blessed to know you.”

The Stuttering Associate of the Young SAY.org

“Joe is one of the most inspirational people and speakers I know or have had to pleasure to listen to. He spoke recently at a Boarding School graduation and was a great success. His preparation was thorough, his message was clear, and his passion was infectious. He connected with the graduates and their families in a way that few can. The thunderous applause that followed his speech brought the audience to their feet. I would whole heartedly endorse Joe as a motivational speaker. He is simply the best.”

President International Investment Firm

“Joseph Moglia engaged with the audience instantaneously and his life story was riveting! His experience in the Board Room and on the Gridiron is unique and it's amazing how similar the preparation is to compete in today's environment. Taking ownership of your actions and living with a high set of standards are not buzz words but what sets his teams/staff apart from the competition. We're a major competitor to TD Ameritrade but have similar qualities. We know that competition makes us better and it's leaders like Joe/Coach that make it all happen! A few of the verbatims: "Energizing & engaging", "Glued to every word", "Content was terrific", "Down to earth but visionary", "Uncompromised with high standards".”


“Your message to our students was inspiring and pitch-perfect as they prepared to embark on their lives as young business men and women, away from their parents' protection and capable of bringing about change in today's society.”

Bentley University

“All that I can say is THANK YOU! Joe was an overwhelming success!”

Michael J. Robinson, M.S. Executive Director/CEO, Business Ethics Alliance

“Joe Moglia speaks from the heart, delivering poignant insights about the tough decisions he made throughout his career. His insights on teamwork and leadership -- whether it’s in the business world or on the football field – provide valuable insights on what it takes to be successful.”

NFF President & CEO Steve Hatchell